Pet Safety Reminders During the Holiday Season

Pet Safety Reminders During the Holiday Season

It’s finally getting near the peak of the holiday season as we enter the chaotic yet exciting homestretch toward the New Year! With only a few days left until Christmas, we wanted to remind everyone to be sure to watch out for our furry family members while still including them in all the fun. Here…

Top 10 Tips on How to Train Your Dog

Top 10 Tips on How to Train Your Dog

It is commonly known that Vancouver is a dog-friendly city. Here are 10 tips on how to train your dog and live comfortably in this urban jungle we call home. You can easily implement new boundaries, clearly communicate your expectations and begin to see behaviours that you like, occur more often – by being aware…

How to Care for your Senior Dog

How to Care for your Senior Dog

Understanding how to care for your senior dog can have its challenges. From understanding dog behaviour to a supportive nutrition regime, here we will go through step by step on what to look for and how to provide the best care for your dog. Becoming a senior; that time in life where you can actually…

Take Your Dog To The Office And Stress Less

Take Your Dog To The Office And Stress Less

Take your dog to the office and stress less? That’s right! For years there has been a steady increase in the amount of companies and especially tech start-ups that pursue dog-friendly office spaces. More and more, dog-friendly policies are becoming the norm in many workplaces. A few weeks ago while I was taking a few…